Friday, March 20, 2015

Unsolicited thoughts on 15.4

It's finally happened. An RX movement paired with an RX barbell weight. With week four they've  made it clear that if you want to play along with the RX version of the open you're going to need to be able to move both body weight and barbell weight. Like last week many will spend the weekend trying to get their first handstand push-up.

Here's a couple of my thoughts. It's awesome that you are working on expanding your bag of tricks. There's an abundance of video tutorials and a good coach can help you give this movement a try. Keep in mind why you workout to begin with; to be better living life, to be pain free, move better, look good in a bathing suit, etc. You joined a gym to get a workout in and then pickup your kids and chase after your dog. If the barbell weight is your one rep max or close, if push pressing a barbell overhead and achieving a good overhead position is a challenge, then get a great workout in and tackle the scaled version. Handstand push-ups are not exactly high on the functional movement list. They are more circus trick then something you would ever need to do in real life. Take the opportunity to try a new skill and then get a good workout in.

And my second thought. Just like any competition there is a standard for this movement. Hold yourself to it. I've competed next to women who have argued and cried in the middle of a workout because the judge held them to show control at the top of the handstand push-up. Have some integrity. If you can't do it correctly then do the scaled version. Scaled is not a dirty word. It's making the workout appropriate for where you are today. 

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