Training I've Loved
- Establishing a one rep max in 5-6 sets (think big lifts; squats, deadlift, bench press). I am guilty of slowly creeping up when maxing out my lifts and finding myself tired by the time I'm near my maxes. My training has called for me to establish a one rep max front squat in 5-6 sets and I find that by taking larger and less jumps I have more in the tank. I'm coming for you 250 front squat!
- Russian twist on the GHD. A fun variation to a traditional ab exercise. Engages the spinal erector muscles, turning ab work into back strengthening work as well. You can hold onto a plate, kettle bell or wall ball to scale this up.
- Single arm dumbbell press. I re-injured my right shoulder and bicep this month and it was a good reminder to focus on single arm dumbbell work. Using dumbbells rather then a barbell allows you to focus on using your arms independently and works to correct any strength imbalances you may have.

- Quaker Oats Steel Cut instant oatmeal Quick and yummy. I usually make two packets at once and add a handful of whatever berries we have around.
- St. Francis Red Splash 2011 The in-laws serve St. Francis Cabernet for holidays. This is a cheaper blend that I found at Fresh Market for $9.99
- Ladies Lift Here 3/4 sleeve baseball shirt and off-the-shoulder sweatshirt. Well fitting and supports an awesome group of women promoting the sport of women's strongman competitions. It looks like they are no longer available but follow their facebook page where they announce limited quantities of apparel and merchandise.
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